The Ornament Lady
This year, Virginia celebrates the Summer of Love. Hard to believe it’s been a half-century since the state rolled out its “Virginia is for Lovers” campaign, but it has. And across the state, cities and communities are joining in on this milestone achievement.
Cape Charles is certainly enjoying the celebration! Check out our tributes to it here and here. As part of this statewide party, the town will be hosting a LOVE & Art on Virginia’s Cape weekend, August 16-18.
Check out all the fun happenings for this summer event here.
Art’s Influence in Cape Charles
Gone Coastal
Art has always been a big part of Cape Charles’ identity. With programs like experimental film, and art studios such as Ellen Moore Gallery and The Lemon Tree, you can quickly see that art is woven into the fabric of our lives!
That’s why we’re looking forward to this artsy, fun Summer of Love weekend! Thursday and Friday’s events are sponsored by Cape Charles Main Street. Saturday’s events are sponsored by Cape Charles Bed and Breakfast Association.
A fun time is headed your way!
Thursday August 15-17th LOVE is in the Air. A multi-day open air painting event culminating in a gallery and cocktail reception. Participants will show their work and mingle with the community. Artists can register at This juried show with prize money will celebrate the natural beauty and diversity of
Tonya Hopson Art
Cape Charles Virginia’s Cape. Reception August 17, 4-6:30p.m. at Hotel Cape Charles. All are welcome.
Friday, August 16, 5:30 PM – 7 PM Paint your LOVE. Instructor led, this adult and teen “sip and dip” painting workshop will paint the LOVE sign landmark located at the end of Mason Avenue. Fee includes all painting materials as well as adult and child refreshments. Advance registration required #paintwhatyoulove, The Northampton Hotel, 1 Mason Avenue.
Sunday, August 18, 1 PM-6 PM For the LOVE of Art: ARTRocks the Inns. The porches of the inns of Cape Charles will be rocking with the talent of regional artists! The Cape Charles Bed and Breakfast Association’s annual ART Rocks the Inns event, a summer favorite, will have more featured artists than ever. Visit to make it an Art Getaway!
Participants will find artists on the lawns and porches of the Cape Charles Bed and Breakfasts. As a bonus, the art walk strollers will also have a chance to see the inside of these amazingly restored historic homes.Enjoy works created in a variety of media – paint, sculpture, glass, jewelry, photography, food, and others.
Don’t miss this great event. Book your stay with us now. We’re within walking distance of the event. And yes, we’ve got a ton of love to share!